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Press Releases

[Translate to EN:] Team Industrie- und Logistikimmobilien

Real estate company Greif & Contzen announces staff changes

After around three decades with Greif & Contzen Immobilienmakler GmbH, Frank...

The car experts Heuser & Gron from Cologne are doubling the size of their premises

Greif & Contzen arranges for over 3,000 square metres to be let in...

smartvillage is coming to Cologne

Greif & Contzen arranged for the innovative meeting and event provider from...

Organic smoothies instead of venison and poultry

Vermittelt von den Immobilienexperten von Greif & Contzen zieht „Dr. Smusy“ in...

[Translate to EN:] Gewerbepark Köln-Rodenkirchen

Greif & Contzen brokered sale of business park in Cologne-Rodenkirchen

SIRIUS bought a business park in a popular industrial area in Cologne.

Greif & Contzen brokered rental contract for office space in Cologne’s Mediapark

The Cologne-based law firm franz + partner rechtsanwälte mbB that specialises in...

Market Reports

GPP Commercial Market Survey Industrial/Logistics - QUARTERS 1-4, 2024

The transaction volume of the top 7 industrial and logistics properties...

Action is becoming increasingly necessary for older office buildings.

Office market report for the cathedral city: Greif & Contzen sees opportunities...

Cologne’s investment market: greater turnover thanks to extraordinary transactions

Greif & Contzen reports a total transaction volume of 1.3 billion euros...

Rising office rents and increase in vacant space

In its short report about Cologne’s office space market presented at the start...

Cologne’s office space market on hold

Cologne’s office space market mirrors Germany’s current economic situation:...

New opportunities on Cologne’s property investment market

On the occasion of the real estate trade fair EXPO REAL in Munich, the property...