05/03/2023 Greif & Contzen arranged for around 1,850 square metres of warehouse and office space to be let in Cologne-MarsdorfThe property on Max-Planck-Strasse is now fully let
01/18/2022 Greif & Contzen arranges lease for warehouse in Cologne-BilderstöckchenLeidel & Kracht rent around 3,600 square metres
12/17/2021 New premises for the Off Road Kids street workersGreif & Contzen brokered a lease for a unit in Cologne’s city centre
10/26/2021 Greif & Contzen brokered lease for logistics space in the Mileway facility in LangenfeldThe Industrial and Logistics Properties division of Greif & Contzen...
07/22/2021 Greif & Contzen arranges office space lease for basketball organisation BBL GmbH takes up space in Cologne-Mühlheim
07/12/2021 Education provider takes up space in Cologne-NiehlGreif & Contzen arranges for around 1,600 square metres to be let to BBZ...
09/19/2024 Ten-year high in Cologne’s commercial property market, thanks to a number of large transactionsTake-up of commercial space reached a total of around 145,000 square metres in...
07/01/2024 Weak mid-year resultsGreif & Contzen analysed Cologne’s office space market in the first six months...
03/06/2024 Recovery on Cologne’s property investment marketA long-term low was observed on Cologne’s real estate investment market at the...
02/15/2024 GPP Commercial Market Survey Industrial/Logistics - QUARTERS 1-4, 2023The poor economy and ongoing uncertainty about future economic development led...
02/06/2024 Division in Cologne’s office space marketGood rents can still be obtained with new and modernised office buildings, but...
01/03/2024 Weak year for property investments in CologneIn their latest market analysis, the property experts from Greif & Contzen...